How to make money online with crypto games? Play to Earn!

Imagine that you can make up to $1 million a year playing a simple video game. While most people are working at a desk, you will be logging in and collecting digital coins in virtual space.
This is the reality that «play to make money» crypto games give people. Some people have managed to quit their «day job» and make a living from video games.
Gaming for a living will be one of the fastest-growing segments of the cryptocurrency market in 2023. Recently, a wave of NFTs (non-replaceable tokens) has hit the gaming world. Some of these tokens sell for astronomical amounts of money.

CryptoPunk #5822, sold for $23.7 million, is a project by Larva Labs, a company inspired by the cyberpunk movement, the London punk scene, and electronic music artists such as Daft Punk.

CryptoPunk #5822, sold for $23.7 million

Most of this money is concentrated in games that provide unique collectibles for in-game items. Making money from crypto games using NFT is becoming more and more interesting. For example, in Battle Pets, pets are represented as tokens. Players can collect, grow, breed, organize battles between pets, or sell them, withdrawing the earned cryptocurrency to their wallets.

What are Crypto Games — Blockchain Games?

Crypto games are games in which players can own certain digital properties, the authenticity and uniqueness of which are verified by the blockchain, and have the ability to freely exchange or sell that property, both within the game and on third-party trading platforms.

All digital assets used in traditional gaming and development, such as XP, skins, weapons, characters, cars, and so forth, belong to the developers. These digital assets are just records in the game’s database that belong to the game’s developer.

In a crypto game, the items acquired while playing belong to the player. Since such games are created on blockchain networks, all computers connected to the network have access to the same information (all of it), decentralizing control over the information and empowering the players and creators equally.

To give a simple example, imagine that in Hearthstone you could sell any card you didn’t need and use the money to buy whatever you wanted. You could also take money out of the game and spend it however you wanted. In crypto-games, you can not only buy digital property, but you can also get it as a reward for doing things in the game. So, you can make money from the time you spend on crypto games.

The terms «in-game token» and «NFT» are often used in blockchain-based online games. Let’s look at what they mean in more depth.

  • Games with rewards in the form of in-game coins and tokens. In particular, those that have value on the market (like SLP in the Axie Infinity project). The model of financial rewards for activity has been called Play-to-Earn, Move-to-earn.
  • Games with NFT (non-fungible tokens). Players create, purchase, or are rewarded with non-fungible tokens that belong exclusively to them. From a game perspective, tokens can represent weapons, characters, tools, transportation, housing, and other game assets.

You can also buy and sell NFTs from games on third-party platforms. This is the main difference between this and traditional games, where items can only be used in one way. Here, each NFT is linked to the user’s wallet, which means it can be traded anywhere.

Non-fungible tokens (NFT) are data that is stored on the blockchain as a file with a unique digital signature. A file can be a game object, a picture, a song, a video, a document, or any other type of digital file. Anyone can download and save a file, but it will be like hanging a printed copy of «Gioconda» in your home. Only the person who bought or made the NFT will always own the original.

Types of Crypto Games

The idea of crypto games has now spread to many different types of games, such as trading card games (TCGs), simulators, and many others. Since the owners of crypto gaming assets can easily trade them, this opened up a new part of the crypto industry’s economy where players can buy and sell their digital goods.

But there are many different kinds of games that use blockchain technology in some way.

NFT Based Games

The combination of blockchain and gaming has led to play-to-earn models. In cryptogaming, items and tokens are kept in a distributed ledger that sits on top of a blockchain network framework. Through this structure, a non-fungible token (NFT) can be made in the game, and its owners get all the benefits of ownership. You can trade NFTs in open NFT marketplaces for cryptocurrencies or even real money because gamers, not game publishers, own them.

With this way of running things, it is impossible to steal in-game items. In a blockchain-based game, all in-game transactions are completely safe, and players have more control over how they play.


Decentralized applications (dApps) are a good part of crypto gaming that blockchain makes possible. dApps are computer programs that don’t run on a proprietary server but instead on a network of computers. Basically, dApps use blockchain technology to run on a network that users trust and that is safe and reliable. Because of this, dApps are not centralized, so there is no way for a third party to mess with how they work. Decentralized apps run on peer-to-peer networks like Ethereum, Loom, or Waves.

DeFi, a brand-new financial ecosystem that is independent of third parties, is now possible thanks to dApps and blockchain technology. DeFi is a way to get access to a wide range of financial products and services. It is based on trusted, distributed networks. Because of this, people will have less trouble getting financial services than they did in the past.

The concept of P2E and M2E games — what is the difference?

  • Play-to-earn (P2E) — play to earn. Reward users for their participation in the game, such as winning battles, progressing through the various levels, and exploring the in-game universe.
  • Move-to-earn (M2E) — move to earn. M2E apps use sensors on a player’s mobile device to track their movements, automatically rewarding them for physical activity.

Some M2E games can be played for free, like P2E games, but most of the time the user has to buy NFTs from an exchange before they can start playing. Since the price of NFTs usually goes up as a game gets more popular, the user may have to spend a lot of money before they can start making money.

For example, the minimum NFT price in the STEPN app went from 1 SOL ($133 at the time) when it first came out to more than 8 SOL ($1,064 as of April 4).

The best way to make money from crypto games is to start playing them when they are still in their early stages. That way, you have a good chance of getting more money or time out of your investment. For example, if you buy an NFT character for $10, you can sell it to a collector for $1,000, $10,000, or even more.

Which Crypto Game should you start playing in 2023?

Today, we’ll talk about one of the most exciting games coming out in 2023. Spexy Game is a new step in the evolution of M2E games. It takes key parts and adds more ways to play and make money. Users can not only get in-game tokens for meeting daily goals, but they can also get extra money for passing special tests. For these tests, you have to read articles that teach you about things like IT, robotics, Web3, and economics. After reading the article, the player is asked a question about what it was about. The SPEXY team looked at what its predecessors did wrong and built a strong economic model based on that.

The game uses robots, which are in-game avatars that players use to do daily activities. The amount of money players earn in SPEXY depends on the model and level of the Robots they have at their disposal. This method gives users a reason to keep making their Robots better. Players can also rent out their Robots to other players. This makes the game easier for more people to play and gives players a way to make passive income.

SPEXY also has a referral program that lets people earn passive income by getting other people to join. Also, the people who made SPEXY want to make it into a full-fledged metaverse where all players can own plots of digital land. As you can see, SPEXY’s economy is built for the future, which is always good news for investors and players.

Register for the Spexy Game. You will need an invitation code to register: NQFRUS

Why should you start playing Spexy Right Now?

At the moment, the first part of the game is being played, which the developers see as a kind of pre-sale of NFT tokens. All purchased robots will become NFT tokens in the second stage of the game and will be free to sell, use on their own, or rent out. So, everyone can now buy a robot for a small price and pump it up to the second stage of the game, which makes it more valuable and raises its price. In the second part of the game, you can only buy a robot from another player. This means that only the robots that were bought in the first part of the game will be released. So, robots in the second stage will cost and be worth more than they do now.

At this point in the game, there are several ways to earn money.

Be a player and earn money on Spexy

You can do simple tasks every day, like walk 1.5 km or answer simple questions, to earn in-game XP tokens that you can turn into real money. The better your Spexy model is, the more money you will make. Here is a list of Spexy levels and models, along with how much you can earn from them.

You don’t even have to buy the most expensive model of Robot all at once. You can buy a cheaper model and upgrade it yourself, and when you reach the level you want, you can take out all the money you’ve made. Only one Robot can do tasks from an account, but the game lets you make more than one account. The only rule is that you can’t register accounts with your invitation code. We recommend that you start with Spexy Model P, it will allow you to get to excellent earnings faster. The sooner you buy your Robot, the faster you will pump it up and start earning.

You can also buy your robot without having to spend any money. Just rent Spexy from other players, get XP, and use that XP to buy your own Robot.

Be an Investor and Rent out your Robots

Buy a robot and rent it out, and let others upgrade it for you and bring you money! Like any other business, the more money you put into an investment, the more money you will make. With this method, you don’t have to open more than one account to make more money. It’s much easier than having multiple accounts to buy Robots on one account and rent them out to other players.

At the moment, there are many more Lessors than Renters. This is especially true for Robots models P and above, which are in high demand. So, if you invest in Robots now, you can make a lot of money, and when the second part of the game comes out, your robots will be more powerful and worth a lot.

The size of referral rewards Spexy MetaTeam

Create your MetaTeam

The game involves earning money from players you refer. All together, there are 5 MetaLines. The better your Robot model is, the more MetaLines you get and the higher your referral percentage. With the help of an invitation code, you can add friends to your MetaTeam, talk about the game in social networks or forums, and build a big team that will bring you extra money. And in the second part of the game, when team battles and raids are added, your big MetaTeam will give you an edge over other players.

Spexy game conclusions

Players who have been playing for one to two months are already making and taking out good money. It’s a great time to join them and start making money with Spexy. There aren’t many crypto projects that are both reliable and good, so the first people to join them make a lot of money. The team working on this game has big plans and great ideas for how to make it better. They are always in touch with their users and are always making their app better. Don’t pass up this chance to make money by playing games.

Crypto Insights
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  1. RobertItape

    Great game! Signed up a month ago and already upgraded Spexy model P to level 6!

    1. lee-ming

      Amazing APP, helthy lifestyle gamyfied.

  2. B0bby22

    I signed up with the invitation code NQFRUS, bought a Robot Model P and they gave me a robot like this to rent!!!
    I’ll get my investment back in a week!

    1. L0V32move

      I have been playing on Spexy since July, 2023, I absolutely love the move to earn idea. Earning cryptocurrency well walking is a great idea and it definitely motivates me to get out and move more! Highly recommended!

  3. Briguy45

    A lot of people might be scared of spending $100+ on a robot I was also skeptical but you’ll see why it’s worth it.
    After learning how Spexy works and learning how to upgrade it you can make a lot of money each day and earn your money back. It might take a two months or three to earn your money back but after that your set to earn profit. Right now I’m earning in between $40. I’m at level 34 with my Model E, and in each upgrade you get points to upgrade. If you upgrade in level you will earn more money. So $40 is just the beginning I might be making $1000+ once I max out my robot. Anyway get yourself a Spexy!! It’s a great way to start working out and earning money.

    1. Kunde

      Been using SPEXY for a couple of weeks. Once i figured out the logistics and how to optimize my gst earnings I am Hooked!! I feel like as soon as people realize this is real and how much you can earn doing this, SPEXY is going to blow up. I complete a task every day with several Robots of different models and earn from 17XP to 200XP ($1-$10) each. Going to get some more Robots and rent them out.

  4. D.B00K model X

    The level 7 Model X brings it like this! How much do you have? ))

    1. min3rm4n

      WOW! that’s $85 at a time!!! my results so far have been more modest ((

      1. FanSpexy

        My earnings from one robot today!

    2. NatalyFox

      Showing off my baby boy )

    3. 2App2RuleThemAll

      this app is an amazing crypto app that allows users to earn crypto while walking. It is a very well designed app. It has many more features in the pipeline such as pvp system, loot boxes, and much more. It’s very interesting to see how revenue is growing from different ways of making money, such as renting, building your own team for profit. Get started now and join the move 2 earn community.

  5. Samantha

    My stats for today! Not much, but it’s a start!

    1. Marita

      Wow really take you out and earn , very legitimate idea and application I like

    2. Nicole Thomas

      A cool concept. I really like their app, nice ux and i love the idea of making money out of my daily commuting walks!

  6. PollavSpex

    My little robot! )
